Integrated Partners Helps California Accounting Firm Launch Wealth Management Business

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Integrated Partners, a leading registered investment advisor based in Massachusetts, is partnering with California-based accounting firm Windes to launch a fee-based wealth management business. The new entity, Ovisto Wealth Management, will focus on providing comprehensive financial planning services to wealthy clients.

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Finding a Solution

After encountering challenges in building its own in-house wealth unit, Windes turned to Integrated Partners for assistance. Mark Mitamura, the lead advisor for Ovisto Wealth Management, explains that creating a department from scratch was both time-consuming and costly. Instead, Windes sought a more efficient and cost-effective solution.

A Holistic Approach

Ovisto Wealth Management aims to take a holistic approach to serving its clients. It plans to offer a comprehensive wealth and tax service to cater to the needs of wealthy clients with complex financial situations. By partnering with Integrated Partners, Ovisto will be able to access highly skilled technical experts in advanced planning, bridging the coordination gaps commonly encountered in managing complex financial situations.

Target Market

Ovisto is targeting clients with $5 million or more in investible assets. The practice is particularly interested in serving wealthy families, sophisticated investors, entrepreneurs, executives, and corporate retirement plans. With its team of two advisors and one support staffer, Ovisto plans to hire two additional administrative employees in the near future.

Ambitious Goals

Despite being recently launched, Ovisto has high aspirations. Mitamura shares that the firm aims to reach $100 million in assets under management within the first six months. Looking ahead, Ovisto plans to achieve $500 million in assets under management within a year and a half.


Ovisto Wealth Management currently has offices in Long Beach, California, and Irvine, California.

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